
Bad Batch Clone - Hunter (Clone Wars Season 7)

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This life-sized Hunter is sure to be adored by all. Reliable and fiercely loyal (to the right cause), Hunter is perfect no matter the situation.

Highest Quality
Leads the Bad Batch
Worked with Captain Rex
Resisted the Inhibitor Chip


Despite his grizzled exterior, Hunter is quite the softie when it comes to those he likes. Who knows, he may even extend that same loyalty he gave to Omega your way if you get him to like you. And where he goes, the rest of the Bad Batch follows. Also, his resistance to the inhibitor chip means he’s retained his morality, so any orders going his way have to be justifiable. Otherwise, you may see him disobeying them in a most disagreeable way. Order today, and he’ll ship in 2-3 business days.

  • 66 x 33 (height x width) inches
  • High-quality laminated image
  • Heavy-duty corrugated cardboard
  • Attached easel included
  • Free-standing or can hang on wall

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